Saturday, May 8, 2010


Marketing is important for selling. It makes people know about the product. Marketers must know more about the product before. The goal of marketer is making the customer know the product and want to use it. I think the person who is marketer must be belief in their product and know every detail of it. In the world, there are many type of product like food, fruit, machine, electric equipment, music instruments etc. Although it has much kind of product but the basic is the same.

Marketing Basic

Basically, you might look at marketing as the wide range of activities involved in making sure that you're continuing to meet the needs of your customers and are getting value in return. Marketing analysis includes finding out what groups of potential customers (or markets) exist, what groups of customers you prefer to serve (target markets), what their needs are, what products or services you might develop to meet their needs, how the customers might prefer to use the products and services, what your competitors are doing, what pricing you should use and how you should distribute products and services to your target markets. Various methods of market research are used to find out information about markets, target markets and their needs, competitors, etc. Marketing also includes ongoing promotions, which can include advertising, public relations, sales and customer service.


It is a basic of marketing that you should use it before you make a marketing plan. In this website it has many information of marketing. If you want to know more about marketing, I thing this website will useful for you.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Value Of The Summary Exercise To Each Person

The summary exercise to each person is a good exercise to improve an ability of listening, speaking and understanding. I had never done this exercise until I studied on listening and speaking class at MUIC. I think it is very difficult. If you don't understand the article that you read, you cannot summarize to anyone. On the other hand, if you can understand the article but you cannot make the others understand, it won't be successful too. In class, I have to summarize the news to my partner everyday. I get many things from this exercise.

First, I get many vocabularies from it. Every summarizing will give many new words. Vocabulary is very important for English. My teacher always tells me that the car can move by fuel oil like English can improve by knowing many words. I agree with this. If we know many words, it will help to understand easier. It is the most important part for English.

Second, I can improve my speaking skill. At the first time, I felt embarrassing to speak English with my friend so my pronunciation is not good. In listening and speaking class, I must be speak English all the time so I have more brave to speak. I felt my speaking skill is better than the first and I have more confident.

Third, Summary helps me to improve my listening skill. Listening skill is hard for me too. I must concentrate to listening for understanding the article which my partner summarizes to me. It is different pronunciation for each person so I can hear many pronunciation everyday. It helps me to improve my listening skill.

The summary exercise improves many skills of English. If you want to get better on your English skill, you must be serious on it.