Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was born to Glady Pearl Mortenson. She did not have father. Her life was a desperate one. In her childhood, she was sent in and out of foster homes. There was once that she was sexually assaulted by her foster dad. As a more mature girl, she started her way to Hollywood, but it did not as easy as it seemed. At the last part of her life, she had a secret relationship with both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. She was found dead in her room from overdose of barbiturate. For me it was quite a suspicious death because there were some evidences that contrast with the investigate result. She was a very successful actress with talent.

She was a sex symbol of what men call pretty blond girl.

Dangerous Game

Do you believe in ghost?

In Thailand, there are many stories of ghosts. I am a person who believes in it but I never know that there are ghost in the foreign countries too. I have ever seen the foreign ghost movies but all of them are fiction. Therefore, I never hear about true foreign ghost story until I read it in my reading class. It is a frightening story. Its name is Dangerous Game.

Dangerous Game is a true story of writer. The writer’s name is William Harris. He wrote this story before him died. It is mystery story and confusing for me. It is a story between William and a poltergeist named Poldy. At the beginning, he enjoys to play game with this ghost. But then the game begins to change. It has more dangerous. In the end of this story, William died. Nobody can explain why he died.

Fast Food

Nowadays, fast food has become so popular among the people. It makes things a lot easier for people who always in a rush hour. Even though it does not have a lot of nutrients, people like to consume it anyway. Some people choose it as their favorite food. There are many businesses that are selling fast food such as Macdonald, KFC, Taco bell, and etc. In my opinion I think it is good to have fast food store all over place in Thailand. It is convenient and delicious. I can eat it every where and every time. By the way, everyone should be careful about their eating behavior because it can make you fat and unhealthy.

Romio and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous love stories in the world. It was written by William Shakespeare. There are six deaths in this story.

At the beginning of the story Romeo was desperate because of love until he met Juliet. He could not live without her. The story has such a tragic ending. I think it has a bad ending that the two lead characters committed suicide at the end of the story. I have heard about this story for many times, but I did not know it in details until I saw the play in my reading class. Even though the play that we did in class was not as good as the actual play by the professional actors, the story of it could make me impressed. In contrast, I do not agree with the part that the two lead characters died at the end. They should have chance to spend their life together with happiness.


Nowadays, there are many comfortable things around the world. If I talk about transportation, the first vehicle that you will think is car. It is the popular vehicle that everybody uses to go everywhere. In the other hands, there is one more vehicle that can take you to anywhere called “Segway”. Segway is an interesting vehicle. I have ever seen it in the television for a long time. I think it is an interesting toy. I didn't know that it is a vehicle until I read about it in my reading class. It looks strange for me. I really want to drive it. I think it may good if we use Segway to go somewhere that doesn’t far away from home. It will help to reduce pollution. The Segway is powered by batteries that allow it to travel about 17 miles on one batter charge. You can drive Segway to school, shopping malls or anywhere that you want. I am surprised in this vehicle a lot.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

I have ever read a book. It's name is “Rich Dad, Poor Dad". It is the business book. It was written about work in the world. I am interested in it. The writer of this book has 2 dads, rich dad and poor dad. He writes about what his both fathers thinking about job.
This book tells me about work. Everybody thinks that there are many jobs in the world but in this book there are only 4 main jobs. First job is employee. Employee is every jobs that gets salary. In this job you work hard but you don't get the salary a lot. Therefore, if some employees have enough experience and money, they will improve themselves to be self employed. If self-employed is success, they will get a lot of income. In the other hands, if they don’t success, they may collapse and have more Dept. These 2 jobs must be active to get income. If you don’t work, you won’t have income. These are called active income. The third job is investor. Investor is people who use money to get more money like players share. The last job is own business. This job makes a system to work and it will be auto run like Big C, Lotus etc. Investor and own business are called passive income because you can stop after you finish your job. Although you don’t do work, you still get incomes.

It is interesting information for me. I really like this book. It teaches me a lot about business.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


What is success?

I believe that if I ask this question to people, I will get many answers for this. Businessman may answer that success is making loads of money. Student may reply that success is to graduate in high grade. The sport player may reply that success is to win the competition. All of these mean successes are the completion of anything intended. Success in my meaning is everything that you want to be and you can make it real..

How can you success?

First of all, you must know what you want to success. It is called goal. Then you start to plan how you do to achieve it. Next, you follow your plan. Finally, you must focus on your goal and don't give up until you will success in your ambition.

I use this method to do everything which I focus on.I was taught these from the experience of successful people and book

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Marketing is important for selling. It makes people know about the product. Marketers must know more about the product before. The goal of marketer is making the customer know the product and want to use it. I think the person who is marketer must be belief in their product and know every detail of it. In the world, there are many type of product like food, fruit, machine, electric equipment, music instruments etc. Although it has much kind of product but the basic is the same.

Marketing Basic

Basically, you might look at marketing as the wide range of activities involved in making sure that you're continuing to meet the needs of your customers and are getting value in return. Marketing analysis includes finding out what groups of potential customers (or markets) exist, what groups of customers you prefer to serve (target markets), what their needs are, what products or services you might develop to meet their needs, how the customers might prefer to use the products and services, what your competitors are doing, what pricing you should use and how you should distribute products and services to your target markets. Various methods of market research are used to find out information about markets, target markets and their needs, competitors, etc. Marketing also includes ongoing promotions, which can include advertising, public relations, sales and customer service.


It is a basic of marketing that you should use it before you make a marketing plan. In this website it has many information of marketing. If you want to know more about marketing, I thing this website will useful for you.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Value Of The Summary Exercise To Each Person

The summary exercise to each person is a good exercise to improve an ability of listening, speaking and understanding. I had never done this exercise until I studied on listening and speaking class at MUIC. I think it is very difficult. If you don't understand the article that you read, you cannot summarize to anyone. On the other hand, if you can understand the article but you cannot make the others understand, it won't be successful too. In class, I have to summarize the news to my partner everyday. I get many things from this exercise.

First, I get many vocabularies from it. Every summarizing will give many new words. Vocabulary is very important for English. My teacher always tells me that the car can move by fuel oil like English can improve by knowing many words. I agree with this. If we know many words, it will help to understand easier. It is the most important part for English.

Second, I can improve my speaking skill. At the first time, I felt embarrassing to speak English with my friend so my pronunciation is not good. In listening and speaking class, I must be speak English all the time so I have more brave to speak. I felt my speaking skill is better than the first and I have more confident.

Third, Summary helps me to improve my listening skill. Listening skill is hard for me too. I must concentrate to listening for understanding the article which my partner summarizes to me. It is different pronunciation for each person so I can hear many pronunciation everyday. It helps me to improve my listening skill.

The summary exercise improves many skills of English. If you want to get better on your English skill, you must be serious on it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The bicycle is the interesting vehicle. I read about it in my reading class. It was surprising. It was created for along time. The first bicycle was made by wood and moved by foot. It looked like we ride a horse. I though it must be very heavy bike. It was improved to be comfortable and safety bike so it was changed many shape until it looks like today. I feel it wasn't easy thing to do. In the present, it may be easy to produce and improve because it has many technology, knowledge and material. In the other hand, it wasn't anything in the past but the inventors can use the thing around them to make a vehicle, bicycle. I was surprised in them. At present, we use the bicycle riding to everywhere that you want. I though we should know some history of it. It may not make you ride better but it will make you to appreciate in it.

Look! An early form of bike

The Walking Machine
In 1817 Baron von Drais invented a walking machine that would help him get around the royal gardens faster: two same-size in-line wheels, the front one steerable, mounted in a frame which you straddled. The device was propelled by pushing your feet against the ground, thus rolling yourself and the device forward in a sort of gliding walk. The machine became known as the Draisienne or hobby horse. It was made entirely of wood. This enjoyed a short lived popularity as a fad, not being practical for transportation in any other place than a well maintained pathway such as in a park or garden.

The Velocipede or Boneshaker
The next appearance of a two-wheeled riding machine was in 1865, when pedals were applied directly to the front wheel. This machine was known as the velocipede ("fast foot"), but was popularly known as the bone shaker, since it was also made entirely of wood, then later with metal tires, and the combination of these with the cobblestone roads of the day made for an extremely uncomfortable ride. They also became a fad, and indoor riding academies, similar to roller rinks, could be found in large cities.

The High Wheel Bicycle
In 1870 the first all metal machine appeared. (Previous to this metallurgy was not advanced enough to provide metal which was strong enough to make small, light parts out of.) The pedals were still atttached directly to the front wheel with no freewheeling mechanism. Solid rubber tires and the long spokes of the large front wheel provided a much smoother ride than its predecessor. The front wheels became larger and larger as makers realized that the larger the wheel, the farther you could travel with one rotation of the pedals. You would purchase a wheel as large as your leg length would allow. This machine was the first one to be called a bicycle ("two wheel"). These bicycles enjoyed a great popularity among young men of means (they cost an average worker six month's pay), with the hey-day being the decade of the 1880s.
Because the rider sat so high above the center of gravity, if the front wheel was stopped by a stone or rut in the road, or the sudden emergence of a dog, the entire apparatus rotated forward on its front axle, and the rider, with his legs trapped under the handlebars, was dropped unceremoniously on his head. Thus the term "taking a header" came into being.

The High Wheel Tricycle
While the men were risking their necks on the high wheels, ladies, confined to their long skirts and corsets, could take a spin around the park on an adult tricycle. These machines also afforded more dignity to gentlemen such as doctors and clergymen. Many mechanical innovations now associated with the automobile were originally invented for tricycles. Rack and pinion steering, the differential, and band brakes, to name a few!

The High Wheel Safety
Improvements to the design began to be seen, many with the small wheel in the front to eliminate the tipping-forward problem. One model was promoted by its manufacturer by being ridden down the front steps of the capitol building in Washington, DC. These designs became known as high-wheel safety bicycles. Since the older high-wheel designs had been known simply as bicycles, they were now referred to as "ordinary bicycles" in comparison with the new-fangled designs, and then simply as "ordinaries."

The Hard-Tired Safety
The further improvement of metallurgy sparked the next innovation, or rather return to previous design. With metal that was now strong enough to make a fine chain and sprocket small and light enough for a human being to power, the next design was a return to the original configuration of two same-size wheels, only now, instead of just one wheel circumference for every pedal turn, you could, through the gear ratios, have a speed the same as the huge high-wheel. The bicycles still had the hard rubber tires, and in the absence of the long, shock-absorbing spokes, the ride they provided was much more uncomfortable than any of the high-wheel designs. Many of these bicycles of 100 years ago had front and/or rear suspensions. These designs competed with each other, your choice being the high-wheel's comfort or the safety's safety, but the next innovation tolled the death of the high-wheel design.

The Pnuematic-Tired Safety
The pnuematic tire was first applied to the bicycle by an Irish veterinarian who was trying to give his young son a more comfortable ride on his tricycle. This inventive young doctor's name was Dunlop. Sound familar? Now that comfort and safety could be had in the same package, and that package was getting cheaper as manufacturing methods improved, everyone clamored to ride the bicycle. This 1898 Yale uses a shaft drive to dispense with the dirty chain.The bicycle was what made the Gay Ninties gay. It was a practical investment for the working man as transportation, and gave him a much greater flexibility for leisure. Ladies, heretofore consigned to riding the heavy adult size tricycles that were only practical for taking a turn around the park, now could ride a much more versatile machine and still keep their legs covered with long skirts. The bicycle craze killed the bustle and the corset, instituted "common-sense dressing" for women and increased their mobility considerably. In 1896 Susan B. Anthony said that "the bicycle has done more for the emancipation of women than anything else in the world."Bicycling was so popular in the 1880s and 1890s that cyclists formed the League of American Wheelman (still in existence and now called the League of American Bicyclists). The League lobbied for better roads, literally paving the road for the automobile.

The Kid's Bike
Introduced just after the First World War by several manufacturers, such as Mead, Sears Roebuck, and Montgomery Ward, to revitalize the bike industry (Schwinn made its big splash slightly later), these designs, now called "classic", featured automobile and motorcyle elements to appeal to kids who, presumably, would rather have a motor. If ever a bike needed a motor, this was it. These bikes evolved into the most glamorous, fabulous, ostentatious, heavy designs ever. It is unbelievable today that 14-year-old kids could do the tricks that we did on these 65 pound machines! They were built into the middle '50s, by which time they had taken on design elements of jet aircraft and even rockets. By the '60s, they were becoming leaner and simpler.

Wow! I wondered about how to go down from the bike if it has a enomous wheel.
This is wonderful Vedio that I met in youtoube.